CP Sport have collected a range of profiles from people with CP that participate in sport. We will be posting these profiles daily throughout CP Awareness Month (March) to celebrate positive stories and inspire people to take part in the future.
Name: Paige Murray
Role: Player
Club: Recreational/competitive
The sport I participate in: Frame Running
How did the opportunity come for you to start participating in your sport? I have been empowered by sport since my school days. Fast forward many years. I am a former wheelchair racer. I have been a club participant, regional, national and international competitor. 7 years of dedication, shoulder injuries, and a three year break from sport. “The track has my heart” and this prompted me to start Frame Running. Frame running was a decision to embrace a new challenge, it was an opportunity to run with my legs! To feel the track under my feet was and still is amazing.
How have you benefited from participating in your chosen sport? Frame Running has significant benefits, the biggest this far is the opportunity for me to run differently! I can run with confidence and welcome the feel of the ground under my feet, appreciate movement at speed and experience the adrenaline of running.
What skills have you learnt from Frame Running? I have learnt to celebrate myself and use sport, fitness and wellbeing to support the longevity of my whole health.
What are your ambitions in sport?
1.) To be the best version of my athletic self.
2.) To run with my own running frame.
3.) To run for enjoyment and experience the competitive excitement
Why should other people give your sport a go? Sport has given me focus and direction, opportunity to channel my energy and has led to many pathways outside of sports participation. It is so much more than sport. Sport serves as a tool for health, fitness, social interaction and chosen career pathways. It can be the difference between surviving or thriving.
Are there any further opportunities you like to see be made available in your sport? I would like to see funding providers repurpose existing sports equipment. For example any equipment that is no longer used can be given to the funding provider for a fee, and they can outsource to those that need the equipment. This would help to facilitate more adults to participate in sport and support adults, young people and children to access the equipment they need at an affordable cost.