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Triathlon is a multi-sport event combining swimming, cycling and running. The length and duration of a triathlon can vary greatly.

Triathlon is a great sport to keep active, and by taking on the three elements of swimming, cycling and running you can keep training fun and varied too.

Para triathlons are an adapted version to allow other disciplines such as hand bikes, tandems and wheelchair racing to take part. The distances may also be altered.

You can go at your own pace and start with one or two of the three elements before getting confident enough to tackle them all.

What equipment will I need?

Running trainers, a bike and swim wear are needed. If taking part in para triathlon, access to adapted equipment such as hand bike, tandem or racing wheelchair will also be needed.

Where can I take part

Further information

For event information

For information around Getting Into Paratriathlon

For information on Paratriathlon Classification

Partnership work with CP Sport

CP Sport currently work in partnership with British Triathlon on a range of projects.

Further information

For event information

For information around Getting Into Paratriathlon

For information on Paratriathlon Classification

Partnership work with CP Sport

CP Sport currently work in partnership with British Triathlon on a range of projects.