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Contact usJoin our vibrant community, help us to break down barriers and provide more local and national opportunities for people with cerebral palsy to enjoy being physically active throughout their lives.
Join our vibrant community, help us to break down barriers and provide more local and national opportunities for people with cerebral palsy to enjoy being physically active throughout their lives.
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People with a disability have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic. Every donation is vital in supporting our mission to ensure everyone with cerebral palsy has the opportunity to enjoy being physically active

People with a disability have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic. Every donation is vital in supporting our mission to ensure everyone with cerebral palsy has the opportunity to enjoy being physically active

Our volunteers are key for us to provide a range of opportunities. We have lots of different roles for volunteers – to work with the team behind the scenes, at our events and supporting our programmes. Get to know us, get to know our community and get involved.
We have a range of events you can get involved with and support. You can also set up your own fundraising campaign and come up with your own challenge, the only limit is your imagination.

We have a range of events you can get involved with and support. You can also set up your own fundraising campaign and come up with your own challenge, the only limit is your imagination.

Become a partner
Work with us and support our vision to ensure everyone with cerebral palsy is able to access and enjoy being physically active throughout their lives. You can make a real difference to our community, and a partnership with us can help to strengthen your brand and corporate social responsibility. We develop bespoke packages with our partners and have a range of fantastic opportunities we can develop together. Get in touch and we can work on the right package for you and your business.

This section is for people with cerebral palsy to share their sporting journeys. Whether they are taking part for fun or are aiming for the next Paralympics.

Our impact
Approximately 160,000 people have cerebral palsy in the UK (130,000 adults and 30,000 children), a similar population to multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease.
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