Contact usApproximately 160,000 people have cerebral palsy in the UK (130,000 adults and 30,000 children), a similar population to multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease. Approximately 1,800 children are diagnosed with cerebral palsy every year in the UK, which equates to an incidence rate of around 1 in 400 births.
CP Sport research project 2022 – Take part in our survey
CP Sport are working in collaboration with the University of Nottingham on Research into Sporting Participation among People with Cerebral Palsy in the UK
What is the purpose of the study? We know little about the ways in which age, gender, ethnicity, socio-economic status and impairment type/degree play a role in facilitating or inhibiting sporting participation (and other forms of physical activity) for people with cerebral palsy and other similar impairments. This project, which has been developed by the University of Nottingham in collaboration with CP Sport, aims to fill those gaps to help make physical activity and sport more accessible for all.
Who can take part? We are looking for adults with cerebral palsy (or similar impairments) and parents of children with cerebral palsy (or similar impairments) who live in the UK. There is no obligation to take part.
What will happen to me if I take part? You will be asked a series of short questions about yourself or your child (including age, gender, ethnicity, impairment type/degree, family circumstances), as well as your [or your child’s] experiences accessing and/or taking part in sports and other forms of physical activity in the UK. There is no payment to take part in the study, but it should only take around 15-20 minutes of your time.
What are the possible benefits or risks of taking part? The information we get from this study will help us to identify who is most or least likely to take part in sport or physical activity. It will help us to also identify some of the ways in which people are encouraged to (or discouraged from) engaging in such activities. Our hope is to use your answers to help national and local sporting organisations, such as CP Sport, Sport England and others, to remove barriers and build a more inclusive sporting environment for all. It is unlikely that there will be any risks or disadvantages.
Will my taking part be kept confidential? You will not be asked to provide information that could identify you [or your child]. We will follow ethical and legal practice and all information will be handled in confidence. The data collected will be looked at by authorised researchers and other authorised people (to check that the study is being carried out correctly). All have a duty of confidentiality to you as a research participant and we will do our best to meet this duty. All data collected will be kept securely with the University of Nottingham for 7 years after the publication of the research. It will then be disposed of securely. For information about the University’s obligations with respect to your data, please visit:
What will happen to the results? The initial results will be published first in the form of a report, which will made available on the CP Sport website. More detailed analysis will be published in research journals at a later date.
Please click on the link to take part in the survey:
The Activity Alliance published survey results in January 2020 with some key findings:
- 81% of disabled adults want to do more activity but just 40% feel they are given the opportunity to be as active as they would like
- Disabled people are half as likely as non-disabled people to agree that ‘sport’ is for someone like them (32% vs 63%)
- Seven in ten disabled people are motivated to be active to improve or maintain their physical health
Despite the benefits of taking part in sport physically, mentally and socially, barriers still exist for people with cerebral palsy to be active and enjoy sport. Our work aims to address any disadvantages by enabling children and adults with cerebral palsy to engage and access a range of activities.

CP Sport key stats
events held across the country
events held virtually
children and adults with cp taking part
virtually and in person
children and adults with cp taking part
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Our campaigns
Each year we get involved with CP Awareness Month (March) and World CP Day (October) through events, partnerships, fundraising activity and raising awareness.
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‘#MyStory’ is for people with cp and their families to tell us about their sporting journey and the impact that has had in their own words. Get inspired here.
Benefits of sport and physical activity

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