CP Sport are working in collaboration with the University of Nottingham on Research into Sporting Participation among People with Cerebral Palsy in the UK.
We want to know about the ways in which age, gender, ethnicity, socio-economic status and impairment type/degree play a role in facilitating or inhibiting sporting participation (and other forms of physical activity) for people with cerebral palsy and other similar impairments. This project, which has been developed by the University of Nottingham in collaboration with CP Sport, targets to fill those gaps to help make physical activity and sport more accessible for all.
We are looking for adults with cerebral palsy (or similar impairments) and parents of children with cerebral palsy (or similar impairments) who live in the UK to take our survey. You will be asked a series of short questions about yourself or your child (including age, gender, ethnicity, impairment type/degree, family circumstances), as well as your (or your child’s) experiences accessing and/or taking part in sports and other forms of physical activity in the UK. The study should only take around 15-20 minutes of your time.
Our hope is to use answers to help national and local sporting organisations to remove barriers and build a more inclusive sporting environment for all.
The initial results will first be published in the form of a report, which will be made available on the CP Sport website. More detailed analysis will be published in research journals at a later date.
Please click on the following link to take part in the survey, or scan the QR code in the poster: https://forms.office.com/r/CHbAX3tY9c your time is greatly appreciated.