CP Sport have collected a range of profiles from people with CP that participate in sport. We will be posting these profiles daily throughout CP Awareness Month (March) to celebrate positive stories and inspire people to take part in the future.
Name: Eoin Reavey
Sport: Recumbent Triking. I have a recumbent, Ice X Sprint, which I do about 20 to 25 miles on it every weekend.
What skills have you learnt or improved from participating in sport? The most difficult thing that I have achieved is riding a 2 wheel bike it was a massive achievement for me because it is very difficult to maintain balance on it, I had to do a lot of practicing for it, I went up and down the drive way with my feet off the ground, then finally it paid off, I did it.
How have you benefited from participating in your chosen sport? With having cerebral, hemiplegia it has strengthened my left leg with my bike, it is the best thing I ever got, it gets me out of the house. I climbed to the top of Spelga Dam last year and it has been the toughest cycle I have done on it yet. I believe that anything is possible with cerebral palsy and I will never let it hold me back.
What are your ambitions in sport? My ambition is to build more miles on it and with that I go to a spinning bike class twice a week.
Why should other people give your sport a go? People should give it a go because you don’t have to worry about balance and recumbent trikes can be fitted to your needs.
Are there any further opportunities you like to see be made available in your sport? I would some day would like to be part of a group with people with cerebral palsy and I would like to I think it would be great if they some day could they will bring more recumbent trikes over to Northern Ireland.