CP Sport have collected a range of profiles from people with CP that participate in sport. We will be posting these profiles daily throughout CP Awareness Month (March) to celebrate positive stories and inspire people to take part in the future.
Name: Josh Pullen
Role: Athlete
Club: Bronte Tykes
The sport I participate in: Cycling
What skills have you learnt or improved from participating in sport? I have learnt to build stamina so I can take part in longer road rides. The furthest I have cycled is 50km, I have improved my core cycling skills so I can take part in cyclocross races. I have learnt and developed the skills I need for MTB and I love to use these skills to clear jumps and do technical trails.
How have you benefited from participating in your chosen sport? It has made me fitter and stronger and made me have to work really hard to use both sides of my body. At times I have found this really challenging.
What are your ambitions in sport? To go as far as I can in Cycling.
Why should other people give your sport a go? Cycling is something you can do by yourself, with your family or friends and enjoy with people of all abilities. It is just so much fun!
Are there any further opportunities you like to see be made available in your sport? Opportunities to compete in para races at a younger age and I would love to see MTB in the Paralympics sooner!